The Memorial of Fallen Drops

A single drop in a thousand

and truly we are like water

Which rushes in a single voice

Which flows as one

as we do

for we cry out in one voice

for one pain


A life lost

[Mario L. Santoro,

Leonard W. Hatton Jr.,

Keith George Farben]

is only one drop falling

into the deep unknown


An falling to a depth

where none can see it

the drop reaches

a paradise of heaven


We love with our minds

and our hopes fall to the depths


I wish to sip the cool sweet water


It was a drop of water

Ceiling cracked

What misfortune

Dripping on to her wrinkled toe

As she stood by the mantle.

With the storm outside

And the ceiling cracked

And the wet toe

There was fear.

She raised her head,

Let water drip on to her tongue.

If it filled her up slowly, from her toes

To her stomach to her heart

That would be good.

She could join him,

That beautiful man

Who had slowly filled up with water.

The drop was ineffective

Only an ocean could have drowned so many sorrows